New 2026 Apple Car: Official News, Price & Release Date

Brands: Apple
Model: 2026 Apple Car
Price USA: Under $100k
Release Date: In 2026

2026 Apple Car

2026 Apple Car: Apple has altered its original plan for an iCar, according to reports by Bloomberg, in order to focus more on autonomous capabilities without needing driver attention. Apple plans on releasing this car by 2026 with pricing under $100,000 so as to compete against Tesla and Mercedes-Benz vehicles. In this Apple Car 2026: Release Date, Pricing & Full Review article, we are going to explore the potential release date, pricing, and exciting features of this much-awaited vehicle.

Apple Car Release Date 2026

Apple Car Release Date remains unknown, although reports have stated it could happen as early as 2026. According to reports, the tech company has begun working on an innovative battery design that may improve range while simultaneously decreasing cost significantly.

The anticipated Apple Car will reportedly come equipped with various sensors, such as cameras, radar, and LiDAR systems that will scan the road ahead and notify passengers about potential obstacles such as pedestrians or cyclists they might come across on the journey.

But Apple Car won’t offer full self-driving capabilities (L5); it will still contain a steering wheel and pedals, according to reports. Furthermore, its look may also remain more traditional. At first, it was believed that Apple Car would resemble Canoo’s Lifestyle Vehicle with its pod-like design that allows passengers to face each other inside the cabin. However, this has since been abandoned in favor of more traditional car shapes.

Apple Car 2026 Pricing

The wait is over, and Apple Car is finally available for purchase at a reduced cost of under $100k, compared to its earlier projection of $120,000, following several years of speculation, setbacks, and strategic changes. According to Bloomberg, Apple has changed its design in an attempt to target an entry-level price point similar to Tesla Model S and Mercedes-Benz EQS vehicles. Furthermore, Bloomberg indicates that this vehicle will be stylish yet practical.

2026 Apple Car 2026 Apple Car

As yet, it remains unknown the level of autonomy the Apple vehicle will offer; Bloomberg speculates it might offer “Level 3” autonomy. While not as advanced as what automakers have been working toward with Level 5 systems, this still marks a substantial advance for electric vehicles. Ulrich Kranz will continue his design of Canoo; his vision for its appearance will likely change from a pod-like vehicle to something more conventional with five seats and a steering wheel.

According to reports, Apple is also planning to employ lithium iron phosphate in its batteries instead of the standard lithium-ion solution, which is less likely to overheat. As a result, the car should be substantially safer. A recent patent also provided the first details of a prospective design. The Apple Car may include a “variable opacity” technology, similar to Mercedes’ Magic Sky, that allows the driver to choose how much light comes through the top.

Engine: Electric.
Interior: Best Comfortable, Luxurious, and Spacious.
Specification: Expected Apple Car Specs: 160 mph Top Speed, 300-mile Range, 80% Charge in 18 Minutes.

Autonomous Driving

The Apple Car 2026 features an autonomous driving system that utilizes lidar, radar, and cameras for navigation. In case the self-driving feature malfunctions or an accident happens, a remote operator can intervene and assume control while being accountable for the situation. Bloomberg reports indicate that Apple has scaled back its plans for creating a fully autonomous vehicle without a steering wheel and pedals; they now plan on unveiling their car with self-driving capabilities only on highways in 2026.

As per Bloomberg insiders, Tesla is reducing the scale of Project Titan to prioritize launching an affordable electric car with steering wheel and pedals by 2026, priced below $100,000

2026 Apple Car 2026 Apple Car 2026 Apple Car

Apple Car 2026 Design

Apple Car designs have not yet been finalized, but are expected to be completed and tested prior to a planned 2026 launch date. Their initial designs were inspired by the Canoo Lifestyle Vehicle where passengers sat face-to-face; this concept has since been reduced.

Apple Car’s key design feature will be that it will run on Apple-produced silicon, powering all artificial intelligence algorithms required for autonomous driving. The car will also feature a large iPad-esque touchscreen in its center that will enable users to interact with it, connecting seamlessly with existing devices and services provided by the company.

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